Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.
blast off / dropping off / in orbit / sortie / inaugural
1. Their work will ensure the good "housekeeping" of the satellites, including the maintenance and correct positioning of the spacecraft __________ .
2.Speaking at an event in Dakar, Senegal, Luc Gnacadja - a UN desertification expert - said the ___________ Africa Drylands Week had ended with a very simple, yet stark, message.
3.Mr Tito ___________ on 28 April 2001, but only after a struggle to get anyone to take him - the US space agency Nasa refused on the grounds that he was not a trained astronaut, so it was the Russians who facilitated the trip.
4.A recycling barn will also be set up for festival goers to _______ cans, bottles and packaging.
5. Nato says it has carried out over six thousand __________ over Libya since the bombing campaign began nearly two months ago.